Introduction to Music Video:Blog tasks

Music Videos

1)What are the key conventions of music video?

Key conventions of music videos typically feature movement - often fast paced wither in terms of actors, camerawork or editing.Many contain a performance element or narrative.Music videos can also feature visual effects and intertexuality 

2) What is intertextuality?

Intertextuality is when  one media text references another media text- through genre, conventions, mise-en-scene or specific cultural references 

3)When did music videos first become a major part of the music industry?

The music videos became a major part of the music industry in 1980s when the channel MTV based its format around the medium.

4)What launched in 1981 and why were music videos an important part of the music industry in the 1980s and 1990s? 

 In 1981, MTV is launched as a platform for music videos and the first music channel on television.In the 1980s and 1990s big budgets were spent on producing innovative and creative music videos such as Michael Jackson's Thriller that had a film narrative, a well know director and features intertextuality .

5) How are music videos distributed and watched in the digital age?

In 2005 the launch of Youtube changed the way that consumers access and enjoy music video.Now self-promotion is more common. People post videos on YouTube or other social media sites where the whole world can view them on many devices like portable phones , laptops and computers.


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