Online, social and participatory case study 3 : Zoella blog task



1)Who is Zoella and why is she famous? How many subscribers does Zoella's YouTube channel have currently?

Zoella is a mainly a vlogger but she also creates content such as Fashion, talks viewers through her day, does collaborations, makes products under the brand name Zoella Beauty , made a debut novel , Girl Online . Of 2019 , she has 11.6 million  subscribers.

2)What is convergence?

When two or more media forms meet in one.

3)What are Zoella's videos about? Find five video titles and write them here:

Zoella makes a variety of different videos consisting of makeup , to challenges, to cooking, and etc.

"7 Seconds Challenge With Miranda Sings"
"How Well Do We Know Each Other?"
"Draw My Life"
"Most Likely To"
"Vlogging at 11 Years Old"

4)What are the codes and conventions of vlogging videos?

Codes and conventions  such as :

  • A vlog name which gives information about what it contains
  • A question that underpins post
  • Quirky music
  • Writing on the screen
  • Speaker central to the screen and speaks directly to the camera
  • Some props to keep video engaging
  • Lots of cuts
  • Different angles and shots for variety
  • Personal - this builds connection and trust with audience
  • Often conversational and informal in tone
  • Makes the start as compelling as possible : the hook
5) How has Zoella moved into a more traditional media landscape in recent years?

Recently Zoella has been features on television and also writes books which is more traditional because in 2019 , television isn't as popular as it used to be due to the fact that we have mobile devices to watch on instead.


1)How does Zoella make money?(You might want to read this Heatworld feature for more on this.)

Zoella makes her money through a variety of different media such as: Product placement, Tour's/meet and greets, Sponsored social media posts, Partnership with superdry, Books and advertisements.

2)What is a digital influencer?Why is Zoella considered a digital influencer?

A digital influencer is a content producer who uses her/his channels to influence behaviour both online and offline.Zoella is considered a digital influencer because she helps her fan get through tough situations such as stress and many more by giving advice using own personal experiences.

3)Why do companies want to place their products in Zoella's videos?

Companies would want to place their products in Zoella's videos because she has a very large audience, therefore companies believe by having her speak about their products in her video it will attract her followers, making them go out and actually buy the product in order to be like Zoella.

4)Why are YouTube collaborations so important for helping digital influencers like Zoella to grow?

YouTube collaborations are important because it means that their will be a viewer sum of both Zoella and the collaboration, this is important because then she gets to spread her messages and influence to a larger audience.

5)How has Zoella moved into a more traditional media landscape in recent years?

As Zoella has become more successful, she has made more appearances in traditional media such as TV, newspapers and magazines.


1) Who is the target audience for Zoella's channel?

The target audience for Zoella's channel mainly consists of females.The majority of her channel viewers are 18 and above but there are also a large amount of viewers that are teenagers. They are also based around the Aspirer psychographics group , also with a mix of Mainstream and Explorers.

2) How are audience encouraged to participate in or feel part of Zoella's brand?

They feel encouraged because by watching Zoella's video, they get a feel of what exactly her products can provide and do and also because Zoella herself is seen using it in her videos. It encourages her audience to also go and buy it.

3)What audience pleasures are provided by Zoella's videos and associated products?


  • Entertaining + Lighthearted
  • YouTube videos - bite-sized chunk - relaxed,informal
  • Experiences of teenage (anxiety) life, content seeks to reflect mainstream lifestyle
  • Zoella + audience - mode of address is like talking to a friend . Comment 
  • Makes references for long term fans ("flat on sea front")
  • Anxiety + mental health 
  • Tutorial - hair + make-up tutorials

4)Applying Stuart Hall's Reception Theory, what would a preferred and oppositional reading of Zoella?

Preferred reading =

  •  a normal,down to earth girl who is just like her audience

Oppositional reading =

  • fake-ghost writte
  • acts a lot younger than she is
  • ripping of her young fans ( advent calendar £50)
  • a poor role model for young women
  • hypocrisy

5)Why has Zoella been criticised by some people?

  • In 2014 Sugg was criticised for filming whilst driving her car
  • In 2017, there was a negative publicity surrounding the release of her 12-door advent calendar for which she was charging £50. The calendar was criticised for being 'over-priced' and 'poor quality' , containing some items such as a small packet of confetti. 
  • In 2017, she has to issue an apology after controversy emerged when people brought up social media posts she had made between 2009-2012 mocking gay people and 'chavs' . She apologised and said she had not intended to offend anyone.#
  • Vlogger in general have been criticised for making up to £20,00 a month through being paid to promote certain products and therefore influencing young people.
  • Personally, Zoella has been criticised for being a poor role model for girls,suggesting that her message is that being pretty and feminine and interested in looks is important.
  • It has been suggested that she used a 'ghost writer' for her novel but this has not been offically confirmed. This book has been criticised by UK newspapers for 'not being challenging enough'


Read this independent article arguing Zoella is a bad role model for young women.

Next, read this independent article arguing the opposite

1) What is your opinion on this debate - is Zoella a positive role model for young women?

Personally, I believe that Zoella is a negative role model as she displays herself as a hypocrite.This is because she strives to talk about how appearance don't matter and talks about anxiety but at the same time she is part of the reason why young girls feel anxiety and to look the way they are.She makes on beauty products therefore suggesting that she supports them .

2) What representation of women are provided by Zoella?

There are representation of women being subverted such as "damsel in distress."This is because Zoella is a independent women and created her own fame of such all by herself. However she does reinforce someone representations of women as she is always in her videos made to look the best in order to attract a wider audience suggesting that women need makeup to look good.

3) What representation of celebrity are provided  by Zoella?Is a self-made YouTube celebrity more authentic or positive than a traditional music or TV star?

Zoella subverts most celebrity representations as she is a self made star.The one's who chose that she will become a celebrity is not the government but instead her 11.9million fans.

4)How does Zoella represent herself? Is this the real Zoe Suggs or a media construction designed to sell products?

Zoella represents herself as a media construction designed to sell products due to the fact that most her videos are sponser made trying to promote certain products.

5)What criticism could be levelled at the representation of Zoella?

Zoella could be criticsed for being a hypocrit as she is influencing her audience into buying her beauty products whereas at the same time she speaks about anxiety and depression which things such as beauty products cause as they try to make women look appealing enough for the media.


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