Daily Mirror case study

Daily Mirror


1) Write the definition of the following key language for newspaper front pages:

Masthead:The title block of the newspaper
Incentive:Use of prizes and rewards to market or advertise a product
Pug:Something to catch the reader's eye
Splash Head: The lead story
Byline:gives the  name of article written by
Slogan:sums up ethos of newspaper
Dateline:the date the newspaper was published
Kicker:story at the top of paper to draw interest in content
Standfirst: Introductory paragraph usually in bold

2) How much does a copy of the Daily Mirror cost?

A copy of the Daily Mirror costs £1.20.

3)What are the main stories on the CSP edition of the Daily Mirror ( see above)?

The main stories on the CSP edition of the Daily Mirror are : Meghan's dad will walk her down aisle,Corrie Kev's held by cops over bust-up and Back from the red

4)Why is the choice of news story on the CSP front page typical of a tabloid newspaper?

Typically, tabloid newspapers consist of news to do with : sport, entertainment , showbiz gossip , sometimes major news but mainly soft news.

5) What is the balance on the Daily Mirror front page between images, headlines and text?

Most of the page is covered by the huge headline "CORRIE KEV'S HELD BY COPS OVER BUST -UP" followed by somewhat large pictures and very few text.


1) What is the target audience for the Daily Mirror?

The Daily Mirror is overwhelmingly targeted towards an older audience. 45% of readers are over 65 years old and 61% of readers are over 55 years old. Only 6% of readers are 15-24 years old.Most mirror readers are working class - C1 or C2 social demographics

2) Why does the Mirror front page story appeal to the Daily Mirror audience?

The Mirror front page story appeals to a Daily Mirror audience because most readers are older in age , which is similar to the age audience of Coronation street viewers. Both viewers and readers are similar in age , social class , and income.

3) Why might a reader enjoy the Daily Mirror? Use Blumler & Katz Uses and Gratification theory to add detail to your answer.

Surveillance - it gives us information towards whats happening around the world

Diversion + Personal Relationships - celebrity, Meghan , "Corrie Kev"

Personal Identity - news selected reflects Mirror readers "lives and political views"

4) Why are print newspapers generally read by older audiences?

Newspapers are generally read by older audience because newer generations have different access to news due to the internet whereas older generations prefer using the traditional way of receiving news.

5)How is the 'Back from the Red' local election story on the double page spread constructed to appeal to Daily Mirror readers?

It is targeted towards conservatives fans and intends to make Labour look bad by talking bad about them and making Theresa May look non professional.


1)How does the Daily Mirror represent the Conservative Party and its MPs? Look at the double-page spread politics story.

They have designed it in order to make the Conservative Party look bad, e.g They have used a paparazzi shot picture of Theresa May where she doesn't look flattering and made to look like a clown. Although conservatives had won significantly they have made it as though Labour 'gets the last laugh'

2)How does the Daily Mirror represent the Labour Party and its MPs. Look at the double-page spread politics story and in particular the use of images.

The Daily Mirror represents the Labour Party in a positive way by using a picture of Jeremy Corbyn smiling to show that they are supporting Labour.

3) How does the Daily Mirror represent Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn as political leaders? Look at the double page spread politics story and in particular the use of images.

They have used a negative image of Theresa May by putting a picture where she looks like a clown and a positive image of Jeremy by using an image of him smiling.


1)What company owns the Daily Mirror?

The company that owns the Daily Mirror is 'Reach'

2)What is the Daily Mirror's circulation in 2020? How many papers did the Daily Mirror used to sell back in the 1990s?

The Daily Mirror's circulation was 500,000 a day in 2019 however in the 1990s it was a 3 million a day.

3)How has the Daily Mirror reacted to the decline in print sales and the growth of the internet?

The Daily Mirror has moved towards a multi-platform landscape , publishing and synchronising across its print, desktop and mobile platforms.They also created a social media strategy in collaboration with the digital team to drive growth of their Twitter and Facebook profiles.

4)What does IPSO stand for and what is IPSO's job?

IPSO stands for Independent Press Standard Organisation. They hold newspapers and magazines to account for their actions, protect individual rights, uphold high standards of journalism and help to maintain freedom of expression for the press.

5) List five of Galtung $ Ruge's News Values and explain how they link to the stories in our CSp edition of the Daily Mirror.

Immediacy - The Corrie Kev incident occured recently.
Familiarity - The election is to do the UK therefore also Britain
Amplitude  - Thousands of people have voted for which party they think should win.
Suprise - It is a rare sight because the challenge was between conservaties and labour so the outcome was unknow till now.
Negativity -  In the CSP, there win is possibly bad news as the Daily Mirror are against Labour


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