1. The advert was produced in the 1950s.
  2. Women were represented as mainly housewives, property for men .Men would do all the work and the women would do the work at home.
  3. The heading message is bold,black on white and very clear so its it very appealing.It is also linked to the style of a newspaper as it is black and white.The sans-serif shows that its for young people which is promoting because the person using it , doesn't feel as old .
  4. The costume used in the photo links to something that only women who do work such as cleaning would do.The lighting is bright enough so that you are able to visibly see the actor. The actor has a kind of shocked face suggesting she is surprised at how well the product works.Make-up is heavily used to show that women need to look their best even when cleaning back in the 1950s.
  5. The picture of the product is also included to show off the logo,this is so consumers would buy more than just 1 of their products.
  6. Mainly bright colours are used with different coloured dresses on her shoulder.This shows that by her using the OMO product, she would be able to make the colours just as bright as the clothes on the hanging line.
  7. The text uses play on words such as "OMO makes whites brighter" to manipulate the consumer into buying the product.
  8. Women are represented as house wives due to the actor placing clothes on the hanging line.Back in the 50s , this was a a job associated with women only.
  9. The preferred reading is that it shows how easy the product is as she is doing it with a smile on her face.Also the brightness of the clothes placed , intrigue the reader as they wish to have clothes as "white" and "bright".
  10. The oppositional reading for this advert is that it is sexist as it strongly backs up that women are house wives.


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