WaterAid Advert Analysis


In this picture you can see a young boy wearing a dark blue jumper.In this picture you can also see a wall that's breaking apart.


The dark blue jumper that that looks really worn out successfully connotes the lack of water the boy has. The wooden chair the boy is sitting on suggests the poor background he comes from.The colour of wall shows how he possibly lives in a desert area.The houses in the background reveals the poor conditions the boy lives in due to his lack in wealth.


The facial expression that is expressed by the young boy makes the audience feel sympathetic towards the boy as he is giving a frown to show his sadness.The use of the inadequate blue jumper makes the audience feel guilt as they know they could prevent children from living lives like this if they gave some of the money they earned over to the charities that take care of them.The audience feels pity towards the boy as its clearly reveals the type of atmosphere he lives in .


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