January Assessment

TOTAL: 15 /30

WWW - You clearly understand Reception Theory and analyse the poster impressively.

EBI      -    Revise psychographic groups (Q2)

             -   For Q4 you need to stay sharply focused on the question ; the interenet + audiences.You
                 drift off this in the second half of the essay

             - Use more examples in each paragraph


Q1 : 1/1
Q2 : 0/1
Q3 : 6/8
Q4 : 8/20

Q2 : I need to learn the psychographic groups

Q3 : I need to consistently use appropriate and effective use of media terminology

Q4 : I drifted off in the second half of the essay


I didn't get any media terminology wrong in the assessment.


In the oppositional reading I included that ' Women may be insulted by the lack of femininity in the advert or find the image derogatory." in my own words.

In the preferred reading I included that 'Women are portrayed in a subversive / non- conventional way as their strength and independence is highlighted by the image (Pose/pride in facial expressions etc).'in my own words.



The preferred reading of this advert is that women are portrayed in a non-conventional way as their as their strength and independence is highlighted by the image.The picture is empowering as she is looking directly at the consumer with a strong face so they can relate to her power and resilience and aspire to be similar into action.The use of rolling up her sleeves has connotations of getting 'stuck in' and ready for hard work and action.Her tied back hair also connotes she is taking her job more seriously.The producer used the collective pronoun 'We' to involve other women and the positive phrase, ' can do it' with an exclamation for reinforcement of the message.

However an oppositonal reading to this is that women may be insulted by the lack of femininity in the advert .They may think that the woman does no promote working because to do so means looking like a man, wearing work clothes and covering hair.Also most women wouldn't be able to relate the muscular physique of the women on the poster therefore disliking the message trying to be sent.


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