
Showing posts from December, 2018

Introduction to media index

1) Introduction to the subject and you 2) Key concepts (LIAR) and analysis of Film Poster 3) Introduction to Photoshop: Fruit bowl task 4) Denotation and Connotation 5) Mise-en-scene 6) Blog feedback and learner response 7) Camera shots photo storyboard (photos and captions) 8) Camerawork and editing blog tasks 9) October assessment – feedback and learner response 10) Demographics and Psychographics - Photoshop audience profile 11) Reception theory – Harry Brown trailer analysis 12) Audience effects theory - Blue Planet analysis 13)  Industries - Ownership and control 12) Audience and Industry - impact of internet essay 13) Film Industry CSP introduction - film poster analysis 14) Audience essay - feedback and learner response

Audience essay feedback and learner response

WWW: This is an impressive essay – well done! Over 700 words and you show an excellent grasp of the audience and industry debates we discussed in class. You cover the three industries in some detail and have clearly used your notes and the guidance provided. You’ve been very consistent from the very beginning of the year with your homework and this is a very positive way to end your first term in GCSE Media!                               EBI: Your biggest area to improve on in this essay is written English. If you copy and paste your essay into Microsoft Word and count the number of red and blue lines under words you’ll see that it is a fair way off GCSE standard. I appreciate writing on the blog isn’t as convenient as writing on Microsoft Word but you are missing quite a few capital letters, apostrophes and similar across the essay as a ...

Doctor Strange Analysis

 1) In this poster you can see there is a man located in the middle of the poster connoting that he is the main protagonist.The cape he is wearing shows that he is some sort of superhero also shows that he is the main character. The lighting is very vibrant to show that the movie is  quite lively and most likely for entertainment.The facial expression expressed by the actor allows the audience to realise that the role the protagonist plays is very serious and important.His face is quite scruffy and his hair is messed up  which connotes that he has probably came from a fight. He is stepping outside of what seems to be a circle made of fire and entering a different area showing that the movie is supernatural and that he has a power to transport to different places by opening gates.The background has been all flipped and  turned around to show that a lot of events take place during the movie.The "Marvel studios" logo is placed to show that the company responsible...

Ownership and control

 Ownership and control 1. The reason Facebook bought Instagram for $1bn in 2012 is so that Facebook could build multiple       products at the same time and also because Instagram was a rival to Facebook so they bought it to       neutralise that threat of being overtaken.       2. Benefits for media companies of vertical integration is that they get a chance to make money at          every stage of production. 3. Benefits for media companies of horizontal integration is that it allows companies to widen their        audience and find out ways to make more money. 4. A subsidiary is a smaller company that is  controlled by a larger company. 5. Warner bros ,  Pixar , Funimation 6. Marvel Entertainment , Viceland , Vice (10%) , Hulu (30%), ESPN(80%), ABC Entertainement,          ABC News & Radio, Dreamworks II , Luca...