Statement of Intent : Feedback and Learner Response
Feedback and Leaner Response 1) Read your feedback carefully and then write a summary of it in your own words using WWW/ EBI. WWW: Matches the brief EBI: Lacks list of shots that communicate meaning to the audience Not enough media language or representation Organisation of the statement Weak stereotyping , subvert /reinforce Too hard of a concept to film. 2) Do you need to make any changes to your narrative? Why? Yes, because my original narrative is too complex therefore it would be too hard to film considering the amount of actors I will need and the location. 3)How can you improve the use of media terminology in your statement of intent? I can improve the use of media terminology by talking more about representation and stereotyping. 4)Representation and stereotyping was a weakness in some drafts . How will you address the key concept of representation in your next draft? ...